Thursday, January 17, 2008

Random has to be totally so.....

Random events have to be totally random - let's consider the case of one of my friends - for the purposes of this blog, let us refer to her as UP. UP goes to India for a break, and then promptly in a span of a week, announces her engagement with another mutual acquaintance of ours - call him HK. Is that random or what?

Consider another totally random event - a friend of mine - to be termed as FC - totally flips out and promptly gets banned off campus. Reason for his flipping out- he was stressed out and wanted to return to Taiwan - but when he snapped, and was promptly banned, he tried to stick on here in order to stay in the US! Random or what?

Another mutual acquaintance TL announces his breakup with his girlfriend PY after returning from China. The reason being apparently that TL cheated on PY with some other girl; the funny thing here is that TL is the guy who dumps his girlfriend PY, after TL cheated on her. And, the even-more funny thing here is that PY is all distressed and heart-broken due to this break-up! Not distressed due to the infidelity, but more so due to the break-up!

Yet another random event would be that I actually wrote this totally random blog-entry, and if you actually read this (which would be totally random, coz nobody seems to read this wonderful blog!), that would complete the whole random blog cycle!

So, do all these random events describe life? Is that the purpose of hearing bits of news like these - unconnected, rambling, and yet meandering back to the same point - life is totally random, you never know if people will get lemons, or oranges! All you know is that chances are it is impossible to deduce the actual chance of getting either fruit! Oh yeah, it is also possible to get a sardine instead of a lemon/orange - like I said, totally random!


gragtrix said...

I happened to read it randomly.. and was randomly reminded of 2 random events that occurred years ago involving me , my friend 'Adi' and a character of mutual acquaintance whom we call 'The Budda'

HojO said...

Hello Aditya,
Nice blog!!! ....keep writing more frequently... :))

So,mine 'random' comment complete the cycle?? eh!;))

BTWN,wheer you frm in present?

adibud34 said...

@Gragtrix - Ha ha! Of course, I remember that "Buddha" - I also remember the twin-disasters that happened regarding the "Buddha" - our excellent Chess and Cricket tournaments!

@Dara - Thanks, Dara. :) I usually only write something on this blog when I'm totally fed up, or need to have a pensieve. Yeah, your random comment does complete the cycle of randomness! ;) I'm currently at Washington State Univ, Pullman doing my PhD. How about you; where are you at, and are you studying or working? Say, are you there on orkut?

HojO said...

Hi Aditya,

I am a Chemistry Lecturer of Calcutta Uni....and looking for a suitable Project work for Ph.D. Research is my 1st choice,but somehow am take this Lecturer job first,well it's not bad!! ;))

Btwn,what's your subject ??


Sarva said...

can up or ty sue u for putting up their stories?? just random thoughts :)

adibud34 said...


They would if they were in the habit of reading this blog. But I doubt it very much!